Our Fees

Our fees reflect the time, effort, and infrastructure investment required to create a personalized vacation plan for you. If you prefer to do your own planning, you may want to consider our Custom Itinerary service instead of using us for Planning and Booking.  

We are committed to meeting your expectations, so the Planning and Booking fee for your trip is covered by our Service Assurance Program. In a nutshell, if your vacation leaves you disappointed in the work we performed for you, you can request a full refund of the Planning and Booking fee you paid us for your trip. 

Our agency fees vary as described below, and they generally increase based on the total number of nights you're planning to be away. We also consider the complexity of your trip to make sure that our standard fee will cover your needs. 

Our fees are generally based on single family travel. Fees for multi-generational tips or other groups are determined based on group size and trip complexity.

Agency fees are billed separately from other trip costs and are payable through our secure third party billing system.